if one changes a variable how is that a secret or dastardly
I assume with 99% confidence the comments that will come - the negotiations that will come will deal with each and every assumption and variable
I expect - have wanted for 2 years - an exchange of the overage over MWS (interest paid - dividend rate paid - >10% in dollars accumulated) for the warrants -- the GOV keeps the excess in return for killing the warrants
In a world with so much publicity - one can do this as visible steps
GOV owes F and F 30B GOV gives F and F a credit of 30B F and F pay Treasury 33B (10% more on purpose) for warrants
I believe I have now seen this seriously logical trade (anti dilutive for common) in other posts and maybe in a free article
Then the 190 sent is viewed - declared paid with the 280B or so left at 10% dividend over x years