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05/25/20 8:10 PM

#80272 RE: justdafactss #80265

Nice made up STORIES..



05/25/20 8:17 PM

#80275 RE: justdafactss #80265

Nah, they had to rectify and fix, then disclose. It’s all there in your post.


05/25/20 9:55 PM

#80301 RE: justdafactss #80265

I think we should all work together and try to short CYDY

Let us go back 20 years and tell everyone what a bad person the CEO was 20 years ago lets smear his reputation

lets go back and repeat over and over and over again about the WELLS NOTICE

lets say it over and over and over keep repeating it
like it means something

just like 20 years ago stuff about the CEO
selling Indian Goods lets repeat it and repeat it
lets really smear him

Maybe go back 10 20 30 years lets find anything we can

if we cannot say the drug isn't working
lets get together and say the people are bad
the CEO is bad he is really really bad

anyone go back 20 years and see if Patterson did anything bad ?

how can we smear Patterson reputation ? Can we smear the other dr L too what did he do ? can we find something on him.