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Julius Erving

05/26/20 4:41 AM

#338748 RE: ssc #338741

"Triple zero non-reporting companies can linger indefinitely."

But they won't. Research it. And... at any point during all of those years there surely must have been a moment that they would have closed shop, normal procedure. But they far from closed shop, because:

"At this point erhc has nothing to gain by filing for bankruptcy."

Bro... BRO: they are in THE MIDDLE OF LITIAGATION! Hello!?! Actually: near the end of a succesfull litigation trajectory! "At this point erhc has nothing to gain by filing for bankruptcy." DUH... hahaha!!! No, they indeed have nothing to gain by filing for bankruptcy now, or 3 years ago.
Omg, omg.

"Also amusing that those who know the inside story continue to find no reason to buy, even at these low, low levels."

Eh, sorry? Again please? Just yesterday I explain that: the entity or person(s) that paid for, and invested time into the 400+ pages of litigation regarding just EEZ block 4 alone, probably (understatement of the millenium) has the majority of the ERHC shares already. OMG, OMG, otherwise it would not have been worthwhile for him to start this process.

"Applying any of his investing strategies or disciplines to erhc is totally irrelevant."

Nope, not irrelevant at all: Warren Buffett explained that if you want to know something worthwhile about the state of ANY company, you for sure should not be looking at it's share price in order get some significant answers. I'm sure he also would suggest to anybody that it is way better to look at, for instance, the 400+ pages document, which contains a contract, than to solely mention the current share price, and consider that proper "Due Dilligence". That approach is the very reason why the entity or person(s) went full force ahead with the litigation process.

A Huge Slam Dunk by the Doctor again.