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05/23/20 2:13 PM

#17487 RE: huggies #17482

Robin hood and wealth sinple dont trade on the otc..


05/23/20 2:16 PM

#17488 RE: huggies #17482

Hard to ignore but you do have 15 mins to edit, why the rush? which leaves me with a lot of questions regarding your inability regarding attention to details, GLTY


05/23/20 5:17 PM

#17535 RE: huggies #17482

OMG....really? Amazon buyout? For real?? This is running due to the end of dilution that dropped the share price from over $3.00, 6 weeks ago, to under .02 cents. So what has changed here to make this so attractive at this price? Well sure the outstanding increased a lot but with that, debt has been reduced considerably. Along with debt being cleared off the books, other toxic financing is being funded by some friendly financing. Revenues as well have increased significantly as well, projected to be in the 80-100 million for the year 2020. So don't stop by to tell us all how this is about to be manipulated and that this stock is going to be hurting soon. Lots of eye opening information will be filed in the coming days and many here are going to be so sorry they missed the 7s, then the 8s, then the .10, then the .25s. We are in the beginning of a huge reversal here and smart money is buying and holding. This has no business being down at these levels. Tuesday is the start to the march to higher and higher ground.
