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06/09/20 3:50 PM

#637 RE: Briboy #636

I'm amazed at stocks some times, and it's as if

there is a crystal ball over my shoulder that speaks
to me and says "See, I told you to be patient"


I had a position in New Gold, quite a few shares
bought at 1.19/share

The 3 month chart on this looked very pretty, stair
stepping up the chart almost perfectly.

Swing Trades one does not want to be in a stock more
than 4 days, and even that is too long,

but I this one, I tried to learn patience. The highest
it got was 1.25 and I was about to sell for a nifty
profit, but for some reason held back

That was it, for the last two weeks hovering at about
1.21---1.23/share most the time.

Finally, I had had it, and sold all my shares for $1.22/share

I made a net profit of $20 Yippee Kay Yah

Less that two days later this puppy gets a jilt up to,
well, how does $1.35 sound.

So, Clay Trader, if you see this, and you know the answer,
please tell me what I could have done differently, cause
I know ya gotta just move on to the next trade, but if at
all possible, I want to learn from this.

Same thing happened to me with ALRN but I did not hold near
as long, but the share price went up after I finally sold.
FINE !!!!! har
