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05/20/20 1:24 PM

#36075 RE: Shadow Stevens #36072

"Dim signed agreement with Tmmi to include(bonus) the fractal code tmmi had sued for. Tmmi refused to sign agreement and wanted conference call concerning the code!"

This makes for an interesting statement. According to you, Dimension signed an agreement offering back (bonus) the fractal code TMMI had sued for and for some reason TMMI asked for a conference call regarding concerns over this generous offer? What is it that concerns TMMI about the code? Something doesn't add up here. Care to clarify?

"So Tmmi is basically trying to STEAL the code and patent rights from Dim."

Here we go again, stealing code and "patent rights"? How can TMMI "steal" code it is not even using and furthermore, how could Dimension patent code that is clearly based on prior art? Nice try.

"Dim offered the olive branch but has been received with continued stubbornness!"

There is an old saying...

Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes! (Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.)

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Agoura Guy

05/20/20 2:10 PM

#36076 RE: Shadow Stevens #36072

I thought the lawsuit was about the 2000 PVS/SGI code. What code from 2003 are you talking about?
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Agoura Guy

05/26/20 4:43 PM

#36091 RE: Shadow Stevens #36072

"Dim offered the olive branch but has been received with continued stubbornness!"

It appears the Dimented one tried to set a trap. Kudos for TMMI by wisely avoiding it.