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05/22/20 3:28 PM

#42846 RE: Scumbag Fraudsters #42845

Is there any good reason the SEC hasn't revoked this POS?

Don't believe they can. MNZO was always a Pinky. The SEC ran Kenny Manzio out of the market, leaving behind a shell taken over by the Peachtree gang. Then they gave way to that clown Ritch. Who was going to rescue MNZO, and infuse hundreds of $Ms from his make believe hedge fund. The SEC then nailed Ritch, while suspending MNZO. Surprising they didn't suspend when they ran Manzio out of the market. Afterwards some real estate agent in Florida was going to make it a vitamin company, selling crap online. Anything since?

The stock was never registered with the SEC, so not much more the SEC can do with this Gray Zombie stock. If MNZO had been a registered stock, then by now the SEC could have delisted it for delinquency of filing form 10s.

So here MNZO sits a Grey sheet stock. If absolutely no trades occurs for a couple of years, then FINRA will delete the ticker.