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Dr Bill

12/15/06 8:33 AM

#8271 RE: Been_Burned_Before #8269

BBB wrote:

You are just far too busy splitting hairs over trivial things that can easily and very reasonably be sorted out by even the smallest smidgen measure of intelligence. I don't look for a perfectly written PR, but I do look for a PR with substance!

BBB you are increasingly sounding desperate and appear to be hanging on by a thread....

is making a mistake of 5 dollars per cubic foot vs 5 dollars per 1000 cubic feet, splitting hairs????
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10 bagger

12/15/06 11:22 AM

#8276 RE: Been_Burned_Before #8269

Spliting Hairs.. I have asked you to show any verifiable information that GFCI has any part of the $130,000,000.00 in Revenues that have been touted in past pump and dump releases.. Now you give us new info but,, why don't you get off your soapbox and give us information that may be verified by someone other than you or the company...

I think it is time that quit leading people on with false hope when there is no evidence that this company has any business that may be verified... Like a share count from the transfer agent...

The oil leases are a joke.. With all the money around to buy leases and production,, why would anyone come to J.Dial.. I can understand TII wanting to do a deal because they have nothing but the owner of an oil field worth Billions shoud be able to find a buyer from someone other than a pink sheet company with a market cap of less than $2,000,000..

Wake up.. hank
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12/15/06 12:30 PM

#8280 RE: Been_Burned_Before #8269

BBB, I look for a PR with accuracy

This has been a problem for Grifco and it's partners (Lyamec $2.25 "offer"). Any "error" always seems to inflate the prospects for the company.

When the truth emerges these errors cause disillusion, dissatisfaction, and loss of credibility. Someone at Grifco ought to proofread the garbled things before they are released. Does Mike King even read them before publication?
