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12/15/06 6:40 AM

#514 RE: Trade Ideas #513

re: "min gap up $-1.00 when you want a max gap down of $1.00"

So if I set min gap down of $-1.00, I get a max gap up of $1.00?

This is so not confusing, not. <g>

I think I get that the neg input apparently inverts the function as well as the data polarity. Thanks I guess I have something to play around with some more.

By the way, still missing triggers sometimes on some stocks.
EFJI on Monday this time. I suspect it might be due to picking up bad data over the weekend due to calender days which spoils trigger for ensuing monday? I will try to verify that TI is more reliable during the week for past x days related alerts.

Many STE quotes go bonkers after the markets close and sometimes I will see phantom trades flicker over the weekends on some stocks, usually with bid and ask going to the extremes.
Just a theory.

Per the other poster, I too would like to use TI to detect OTC stocks. (someday?)


12/19/06 4:39 AM

#516 RE: Trade Ideas #513

Weekend Bug Still There

For example, why does symbol PNTR start at count 16 for new 3 day high (= from Friday), on Monday instead of count 1? I had filter set at max 10 counts and missed it.

My guess is that TI is picking up false triggers over the weekend on some stocks.