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05/13/20 5:51 PM

#11977 RE: ConstitutionNow #11976

Hi ConstitutionNow,

I'm playing a Long long game on CYRX. It's been quite good for me and I'm holding on as I see the pipeline filled with so much potential I would kick myself if I sold now only to see it up 100% within 2 years.

I have a hard time coming up with the argument to say revenue will drop in the next two years when I see what those slides. Nothing spectacular from a technical viewpoint (they have the infrastructure, that's in place), so all that's needed overall is filling the pipeline and getting products approved. In other words, it's not your typical biotech where so much brain power is needed, together with navigating the forces against you from powerful BP's, character assassination, stock manipulation. This is one is relatively simple. A bit like what Warren Buffet likes, you don't need geniuses to manage the company, the model is well established and can be managed by filling the pipeline and executing.

Ph III clinical trials have a historical success rate. For example:

The success rates reported by BIO (2016) were 58% for phase III and 85% for NDA/BLA,4 whereas our results for success rates in academia were 59% for phase III and 88% for NDA/BLA


So out of 62 Phase III, say 70% are successful, that would mean 43 approvals. Even if it drops to 30, I believe that CYRX will be quite successful.

A big picture view. (Not an advice to buy, by the way, just my humble opinion).

Best of luck with your investments!