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05/12/20 2:13 AM

#608556 RE: Wise Man #608554

Preferred holders live in a fantasy world in a paralell universe. Regardless, the FHFA is in breach of it's fiduciary duty to the GSEs as conservator. FHFA as a regulator is supposed to protect the tax payers with good regulations. In the preferred fantasy world this means the regulator trumps the Conservator. Apparently past heads of FHFA shared the same delusional interpretation of Hank's bazooka which lead them to a Judge that says they're acting like the mob. Stay tuned :-D


05/12/20 8:18 AM

#608566 RE: Wise Man #608554

Conservator, according to FHFA and Calabria:

FHFA's defination of conservator:

A conservator has the right to rape, pillage, and steal from those unfortunate enough to come under conservatorship. Mr. Watt also agrees it gives the right to management to have sexual favors from employees, whether or not that employee consents. Its a license to steal, voiding the constitution of the USA. Those under conservatorship automatically forefeit all the rights of an American citizen including those guaranteed by the US Constitution. The government has the right to put any company into conservatorship that they think may provide monetary profit or political gain.
The conservatorship may only be ended with the US Supreme Court.


Those in conservatorship must have an IPO to raise capital to pay off bribes needed to exit conservatorship.