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05/11/20 5:16 AM

#29914 RE: Vulcanized Crawler #29913

I know a guy who knows a guy in Brooklyn who knows just about everyone in the RE game. He especially knows the guys that wear the fur hats and crombie coats all year round. He told me what I needed to know. I argued and debated but he told me exactly what was occurring, why it was taking an absurd amount of time and that Covid chaos had nothing to do with it. He told me everything that I needed to know and asked me seriously what was I thinking? I’d flung 7500 into a dopey shell almost as a favor. I had an ulterior motive for the bet but it’s so long ago EOMN .. I posted post # 1 on this bulletin board, maybe that’s the only reason I stuck around. Anyway, the guy I know in Brooklyn was 100% right and I don’t mess around with good advise. This bet is off the table and in the old fish tank.