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05/10/20 2:55 PM

#296308 RE: Blue Fin #296276

Of course- everything is beautiful! All goes well and guess what- the company will be worth a lot of money and longterm investors here will actually be rewarded big time!! It could happen, it really could.

Now, back to reality.

Results B for c are not good and it's all over here, 5 cents broached in no time. Then all that is left is hopes for B UC or B UP- when will these trials even get moving?

Sad slow days of scraping by until those results are finally back- would we even hear by end of 2020? Probably not. So it is more likely that instead of a blaze of glory we will be desperately clinging to life as we hold on for 2021 and B data for ulcerative colitis. Long days of winter and cold, waiting waiting waiting for trial news


05/10/20 7:02 PM

#296332 RE: Blue Fin #296276
