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Julius Erving

05/09/20 1:51 PM

#338425 RE: ssc #338424


I've read that sentence before, not impressed. WARREN BUFFETT talked about investing in companies in general, and everybody understands that. EHRC is a company and you can invest in it.

I consider that 'answer' as a mea culpa.

I'm glad the message and logic finally came accross.

Shorting ERHE turned out to be a very risky endaevour, but that is part of the game.

I have no time for elaborating chit chat.


05/09/20 2:07 PM

#338426 RE: ssc #338424

Let me clarify this for you - The "share price" of most equities is a result of market sentiment - news - sector performance and of course fundamentals AND is pretty much always "too high" or "too low " !
Its only accurate in terms of a mathematical accounting calculation "on the way through " !!
In other words the SP is a very fickle entity which can and does move at the drop of a hat . Just watch and try to keep up when the ERHC/total deal is announced !