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05/09/20 7:15 AM

#608128 RE: Wise Man #608125

Stop twisting my words to serve some invalid conclusion. I never said the Charter Act was invalid. Any such outcome would require a further Act of Congress regarding recission. What I said was that HERA modified the Charter Act and the provisions within same. Acts of Congress are NEVER unyielding in perpetuity, exactly and only as stated in the Congressional Record. Over time, nearly every Act gets modified either via court ruling so stating (like the illegal agency structure issue currently before Judge Atlas in Collins), via a Rulemaking Process (as Watt initiated and Calabria seeks to redefine on Capital Requirements) or via the passage of new and prevailing legislation (such as CECL which recently redefined loan loss provisions).

And, once again I must remind you that I NEVER said either Treasury or HERA regulated FnF. Prior to HERA, all regulatory authority was under OFHEO and changed to FHFA under HERA in 2008.

I also NEVER stated that the bailouts of FnF and AIG are the same. I said they are extremely similar. THAT IS AN ABSOLUTE FACT observed by many people besides just me. If you Google or Bing "AIG bailout" and "Fannie Mae bailout" there is an excellent series put out by that fully documents the similarities... and the few differences. The FnF recap might be especially useful in its clarification of gov's authority to purchase GSE securities which you frequently cite incorrectly as relevent to Seniior shares and dividends.

Cheers and shalom!