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05/08/20 7:48 PM

#378552 RE: DavidRFoley99 #378550

Fake this Foley

Click:SEC COMPLAINomplaint

17 million dollars
you ripped investors for


05/08/20 7:54 PM

#378553 RE: DavidRFoley99 #378550

David -questions on your most recent court declaration...

I realize this is all water under the bridge and the judge rightly told you and your wife to pound sand and dismissed your plea for bankruptcy protection - for what is it now, the eighth time - but a few questions:

You actually confirmed funding years ago. You produced a "Proof of Funds" funding letter back in 2017, and several of your pumpers confirmed funding back back then and again in early 2018. Remember, or do you need a refresher?

Where is this "employment contract" with the same company you and only you are responsible for? Produce the contract or STFU with that nonsense?

Back pay? You and your wife have sold millions upon millions of illegal shares - your own company owe you more?

Who EXACTLY are these "others" brought on to the management team? Be specific.

You claimed in your own BK case months ago you'd been paid and everything was cured. That was bullshit and the judge called you out on all the lies. Now It has been two weeks since that "new funding" was proclaimed under oath to the courts yet again. Where is it?

BTW - the judge's final dismissal ruling and hilarious account of you and your wife's bullshit lies is a classic for the ages. I'll post that one next week for everyone to enjoy. The fact that you haven't been found guilty of perjury is a shocker, but it'll happen eventually.

P.S. courts going back in session and you are going back to prison owing 10 million large to the US government. As if your wife.


05/08/20 8:56 PM

#378554 RE: DavidRFoley99 #378550

Mr. principal, dude... guess what I just brought home about three hours ago.
Proof that you lied again as usual. On your shit website, you claim to be on samsung tv's. False, you decide.

I been playing with my new Samsung 4K uhd 55" TV that had a price I couldn't resist. It was going for 800.00 and I got it half off from best buy with their 'satisfactory condition' deal. Perfect shape.
Guess what mr. principal? ultrasux is nowhere to be found. This is a late 2019 set. Watched my marvel blue ray and it blew me away compared to my vizio 60hz HD tv. This new one is true 120Hz which means I see pure video as it was shot on the media. What a hell of a difference. Toon goggles looks amazing in 4K. Real 4K, you wouldn't know what that is.

But back to your lies. Not only was ultrasux NOT on the sets normal loaded apps like netflix, hulu and all the REAL apps, ultrasux wasn't even on samsungs new 'live120TV' channel list. So like 140 installed apps, your shit phone app is not even considered next to the likes of bollywood and cat litter tv. Non existent. So, dude, just another lie, you decide.

And if you think I'd give you my credit card number just to see what nonsense you're supposed to have on that phone app, you're fk'n insane.

Yeah, criminal ceo, you decide. You never did say where you hid your illegal phone while in prison.


05/08/20 9:42 PM

#378556 RE: DavidRFoley99 #378550

False news... you decide... pretty easy actually, should take 17 seconds to know it's all false.

1. "I am a spouse of the debtor..."

Odd, one of your BK's you didn't mention your spouse.

2. "I have an employment contract with Nano Tech..(two words?) that calls for specific amount of minimum compensation each year."

All your personal billions of stock doesn't count as compensation?

3. "Part of that agreement is the license to use a bunch of my Intellectual Property."

'A bunch'? Real professionalism there dude. What IP? Your drawing of a box? Lifted from someone else's design?

4. "I've not been paid since 2017 and the back pay continues to accrue."

Pay for what, filing BK's every 3 months?

5. "The company was completely mismanaged from 2014 to 2017 when late in the year the previous management team resigned"

lmao. You ran the company from prison and have always been the ceo and even multiple times filed with the corporate title right after trying to claim you were not employed by nanosux. You can't even keep your lies straight. Fortunately, the SEC and Doj have all your paperwork to prove your transgressions.

9. ""It has obtained it's first round of funding which will allow it to cure blah blah blah....""

When someone prints "IT HAS OBTAINED IT'S FIRST ROUND OF FUNDING" it means exactly that, the company has funding in hand and account. There is no way to backpeddle on that lie. Clearly stated HAS OBTAINED!! What was obtained at the precise time was a appreciable jump in stock pps helped with your paid promotion as well, exactly to the day that declaration was made. A true lie. Fake news? You decide.

12. "Novemeber 2019, the nano tech investors advised that the funds would be released in december 2019."

oops, goalposts moved again, for the hundredth time.

13. "...both are currently impacted by cv-19 blah blah blah..."

What the hell, might as well throw in the virus excuse.

14. "Another source is on track to start funding process this week with funds to be received by nano tech..(what's with the two word name?) within the next two weeks. Unhampered by the cv-19 shutdowns."

Unhampered this time? Again with the two weeks. Well dude, guess what, it's now 17 days if we just count business days. False news with the added sauce of lies. You decide.

Clearly, your damaged personality is laughing at the SEC and playing with the internet. Everyone knows you're not sweating the SEC. If money miraculously shows up, but how would one prove this, it would probably come from your off shore accounts where you've hid most of your money.
We know you want everyone to believe you're struggling to pay bills. I don't believe it for a second.

Unless you get some perverse pleasure out of people proving what a scum you are, you're better off posting this crap in the swamp. Where they love you.