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05/08/20 4:53 PM

#24382 RE: krays #24380

I hope the vot is approved so I can feel more confident that my FCELB dividends are secure.


05/08/20 5:10 PM

#24384 RE: krays #24380

Everything was approved the shareholders meeting was very good. There were three questions emailed in and he answered all three of them. One of them was about Posco. Surprisingly his reply indicates they're working with Posco on a resolution and we would be notified via 8K as soon as there are any developments. I get the impression we are not dissolving the relationship but working something acceptable out it's going to be beneficial to both companies. That's my opinion. Mr. Few answered another question about the increase in shares, at which he stated they have no current plans for the additional shares. The board we'll make decisions if and when to use the shares accordingly for business operations. Since mr. Few has given us no reason to not believe him, I believe they do not have an immediate plan but I believe they will begin discussions now that they had the approval of what they might want to do with the shares and when. My thought is they make a deal with the B's to convert them. Someone else I communicate with believes they want to pay Enbridge first. Either way as I thought before, I still believe they have no reason to sell them at a discount right now when the share price should shoot up substantially by the time they release Q2 earnings. As seen today by the share price increasing before the shareholders meeting, then basically freezing during the shareholders meeting, then looking like it really wanted to go higher after the shareholders meeting, I believe we proceed higher cautiously. I know personally know seven or eight people that I communicate with that own shares, and I know for a fact none of them are selling anything. And I couldn't possibly imagine a valid reason why anyone with at least a three-month horizon we consider selling anyting. Q2 is going to be very + for them and Q3 should be also, pending a complete Groton on time. And again no reason to believe they won't. We will definitely have some sort of an update I'm Toyota Exxon and South Korea by then. Even though some might think dissolving the relationship with posco might have a negative effect, but that has done basically nothing positive for us in the past couple years anyway. Groton by July is the most important focus right now. The Derby, which is the rocket ship as far as I'm concerned. I know a lot of people are focused on trigeneration and carbon capture but Derby is the key. Once that is complete, which right now is projected to be cod in Q2 of 2021 (by April 30) the company will be profitable moving forward from recurring Revenue from generation alone. Unfortunately he didn't answer a question about ExxonMobil and Toyota, and stated they are moving forward and making progress. However he made it clear they're not going to do an actual fuel cell capture project until the end of the two-year agreement. Then they will move towards commercialization. Of course the announcement of the first project will definitely be huge, but that announcement won't come for over a year. And in my opinion, by that time the share price is already over $20. That's my price Target by sometime next summer.