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05/08/20 1:49 PM

#296104 RE: kingofsting #296101

king0fsting when was the last flu season where states (especially NY) had to have refrigerator trucks waiting outside of hospitals to handle the bodies?

Roger 2

05/08/20 4:04 PM

#296124 RE: kingofsting #296101

and you can’t shut down the world for it..

Are you saying we could shut down the world if the death rate is 1% ?
It's only worth inconveniencing the country if there would be 2.5 million deaths?

Focus on the actual numbers.
Flu related deaths 2019-2020 season in US (7 months) <30K.
CV deaths in 3.5 months > 77K. (Most of which were avoidable if we'd actually shut down for 1 month.) Regardless we're looking at ~200K deaths by end of Sep. definitely NOT regular flu numbers.

Lets assume the ratio of CV cases is diagnosed:actual::1:10.

Sweden (has tested 1.5% of their population) ~25K cases.
The US (has tested 2.5% of population) 1.3mil cases.

Sweden deaths 3,175. 3175/250,000 (at above ratio) = 1.3%
US deaths ~ 78,000. 78000/13000000 (at above ratio) = .6%

With only haphazard sheltering done we've reduced US death rate to half that of a country with responsible citizens but little quarantine.

Rather than stop waffling and impose a strict national quarantine for a month you'd have the US death numbers go up another ~500,000 this year?
(assuming a flat daily death toll at 2100 X days left in year)

At ~580,000 dead by New Year will you still be a 'same as flu' BS spreader?


05/08/20 11:39 PM

#296168 RE: kingofsting #296101

Merkel was one of the first Europeon leaders to declare the potential impact of the virus

I was surprised to recently read(last month or so) she has a doctorate in physics. She is no fool.

I had many relatives who fought against a different Germany during WW2, they've changed, for the better. Her intelligence, ability to quickly understand, and be quickly decisive appear to be serving them better. She's running circles around us like Jesse Owens did with them((Hitler, et al) back at the 1936 Olympics. To date:USA 238 deaths/ 1 million population, Germany 90 deaths/million. World average~ 36/million- but many countries lack testing/medical care.