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05/08/20 10:04 AM

#608013 RE: EternalPatience #607992

Wish I could agree with you, but discussing the "old" parts of c-ship is what builds hope of some better investor future, here. It's what those with lingering interest in the GSEs hang onto and understand that represents an end game of restoration and gains for the patient believers.

I was dismayed to note that FNMA shareholder count has declined from 11,000 to just 8,000 in the last few years. FMCC ownership has dwindled to barely 1,600 investors. As people give up, the share price retreats and the GOV fights on to keep all the cookies.

The Twelve Year War will be lost if the troops get further depleted. We need to get re-fired up en masse if shareholders are to ever win. Losing the passion of past sins seems to me a certain way to VOID the future with nothing but boring laments of futility.

Sorry for the philosophical difference of opinion.