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05/07/20 7:36 PM

#3311 RE: CptChemtrail #3309

Well said

MVIS is not over, not even close.


05/07/20 7:41 PM

#3312 RE: CptChemtrail #3309

PicoP technology from Microvision has been around for quite a few years now... and it's good tech... they can't even get it into a cell phone manufacturer!!
If the technology is that cutting edge, someone would have bought it out already

She's dead in the water bro... not to mention the company itself is run by idiots who have diluted its shareholders into yet another RS. It's almost like they want the company to fail so Microsoft can just pick the pieces, the engineers, the patents, the technology for peanuts, while the stock holders pay the bill.... sound like a company that has your best interest at heart???



05/07/20 11:09 PM

#3321 RE: CptChemtrail #3309

Market says this stinks