Oldmusky I went thru about 100 post yesterday and couldn’t get fired up except for one important thing. Someone that’s most generally in the know made a comment saying IND should be filed shortly. That didn’t impress me one bit. I’ve heard that many times. Then they went on to say we will get approval which I’ve always thought that all along so I wasn’t impressed there then it was mention the CT would start with Hildago would take lead in that running them .... which I already knew and that was just so so but then mention something that our genius would be gone or not at the helm st least and that did impress the hell out of me. If that would happen and we get a competent person that knows what they are going then I do believe this company could do great. Couldn’t be any worse cause we at the bottom now.
When I read that I was ready to do a happy dance. We got to have new leadership to save this company. I know the CT will be successful but there will be a phase 3 CT and I just don’t think many will stay around and go guru a phase 3 with the current genius.
Give me a buyout I will take 50 cents without batting and eye. Then I will invest into the new company that bought.