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Grip it and Sip It

05/05/20 6:46 AM

#74603 RE: Blane #74597

Blane- I applaud your conviction but in the real world, Nader’s hand becomes weaker if his back is against the wall.

All this talk about “wait for data”. FFS, we’ve had over 800 people on this for more than four years. Even the testing on CV-19 has been great...and we don’t get approval while the government is pushing garbage. That should concern all of us. This isn’t a binary game where you get approval “just because”

The FDA is not our friend. A buyout may be the only way to get this drug to the patients.
The same people who talk about wanting to save patients are the same ones who think this is going to be $1,000/share!

Nader isn’t welcome at the table and those at the table hold our future in their hands....with no consequences to them.
Keep an open mind and look for the cues that don’t seem right. They’re all around us.
I have a price in my head as to what I’m comfortable exiting at. Maybe it won’t change my life but it will be a hell of a profit.

All the best

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05/05/20 7:01 AM

#74606 RE: Blane #74597

Blane... I agree completely.. Leronlimab is a one in a generation drug that we as share holders have had the privilege to own.. support.. and now cheer lead through a blatantly corrupt Medical/ Political System.. Well intentioned CYDY shareholders may believe a buyout by Big Pharma would ease the path of Leronlimab to be brought to the world..

I for one would like our ‘Rocky’ to fight on alone..

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05/05/20 9:24 AM

#74696 RE: Blane #74597

Yeah, I don't understand why so many want to sell for such low prices such as some suggesting $6 or $10. I feel this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, like buying AMZN or AAPL when they were young. This is a rough business and NP has gotten us this far even though it wasn't and isn't going to be easy. Karma seems to always swing back in our favor because we have the goods.

Now offer $30-$50 and maybe consider. You could always invest $ back into acquiring company. That is what I would do. Leronlimab is a blockbuster. Pressure is building on the dam and the dam will be bursting soon.