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05/03/20 6:22 PM

#607311 RE: Golfbum22 #607308

Dont know if they did anything intentionally. But when I think back over several decades and recall how almost every presidential candidate talked about how tough they would be on China, only to back off when they became president.....I wonder what their WH foreign advisors were telling them about what China was potentially capable of, should they be crossed.

Crossed, as in applying tariffs to their exports.

Still eyeing FNMA. But these new trillions that the fed is now spending on juicing the economy scares me a bit when considering the future of the GSE's and release from conservatorship.


05/03/20 6:32 PM

#607312 RE: Golfbum22 #607308

wow those are my thoughts exactly


05/03/20 6:32 PM

#607313 RE: Golfbum22 #607308

Yup, well orchestrated hidden agenda of the elites. Trump wont play ball, so they either ruin his name or take him out. they cant take him out since he has his own secret force. He would already have been the modern version of Kennedy, maybe, maybe not. Elites went to China cause Trump aint buying it, not giving the Chinese what they want.


05/03/20 6:37 PM

#607314 RE: Golfbum22 #607308

We should be aware of this rogue nation but never give in by being fearful.


05/03/20 10:31 PM

#607319 RE: Golfbum22 #607308

Ditto! I have friends that beleive this also.