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04/28/20 12:59 PM

#15 RE: DS CPA #14

Congrats on that deac profit.
i love inse and dkng both.i do agree that inse May run harder near term but both are buys in my book .
I am happy to see both companies innovating together!surely a great synergy!
This coming Saturday we are getting some attention!
Thanks for the info on the site,,,I’ll check it out !
God luck in all your ventures and stay tuned!


05/31/20 12:36 PM

#22 RE: DS CPA #14


I am also a CPA looking for a good investment opportunity. Can you provide me any insight you might have as to whether INSE only will provide DKNG (or others) with virtual sports betting or do they have plans to get involved with live actual sports gaming?

Thanks !