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04/27/20 4:56 PM

#9022 RE: threewheeler #9021

Company Status
Dialogue Key is a C-corporation incorporated in Wyoming.
Proof of concept: Target market subset was polled. Overwhelming response was in favor of the Dialogue Key service. There is a working website with 1,000 members. They are currently communicating with one another and referring others into the site
Dialogue Key now has ten brand partners located in London, France, Singapore, Florida, Moscow, and Kiev.
The transaction facilitation module is currently under development
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04/27/20 11:17 PM

#9045 RE: threewheeler #9021

Newly acquired company Dialogue Key...Nice Site!!
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04/29/20 10:02 PM

#9183 RE: threewheeler #9021

Dialogue key - The Market Problem vs the Dialogue Solution:

The Market Problem

Our platform connects global talents with global talent seekers. As any market the entertainment industry has its own set of unique problems that make it seem chaotic to outsiders:

Problem 1
Scouting, reliability and fake profiles in social media•For Industry. There is no one essential place (like the NASDAQ market for stocks) where you can find, filter, trust and create the entertainment offers, opportunities and collaboration, no worldwidetalent exchange platform, until now.
•For Companies. Searching for talent and the right people that fit project requirements is the biggest problem professionals face with during the casting phase. As a result agents waste too much time oninternational markets with tough deadlines to find the ideal candidate. The dramatic number of Fake Accounts in social networks is a huge enemy that has created global lack of trust of many sources of talent.
•For Talent. Thousands of talented people are pushing hard to promote themselves on a daily basis just within their local audience and market. Doing so takes them a really long time and enormous effort toopen the geography of collaboration and job opportunities.

Solution 1
Verified private membership community
All our members are vetted profiles with up-to-date, professional information and are easy and fast to reach using our user-friendly filtering interface. The concept of an international private club helps all members to feelthey are involved in a special trustful environment that bridges the gap within the industry and amongst countries. We strive to have no random people, scammers, fakes, or persons of doubtful reputation.

Problem 2
Waste of time and money figuring out the keys to success
New and raising talented people face a lack of information, professional connections or real opportunities to enhance their career. Too many sources have unfocused offers. Talented people require the correct education, propercontacts, clients, money and skills development but can’t find one place to get all that together.

Solution 2
Empowering talents – uplifting the industry
The solution is in our philosophy, we empower talent and uplift the industry. Dialogue Key brings together the best technical tools, industry trends, professional people and money making opportunities to generate a Next Startraising machine for entertainers worldwide.

Problem 3
Lack of international connections for growth
Once again finding the right people and information to achieve the success is the biggest issue today.

Solution 3
Dialogue key networking & educational hub
We are building the algorithms that create the proper suggestions for each member based on that person's interests, behaviour and priorities. Networking is the key for rapid growth. Our platform will hold regular real lifeand online seminars, master-classes, business meet-ups on different professional and self development topics like education, skills development, motivation, inspiration.

Problem 4
Bureaucracy with agencies. lobbying of interests skew the chances for success
As nowhere but in the entertainment industry this issue is very significant. The very narrow circle always pushes its warm contacts to the best offers first.

Solution 4
Direct global cooperation
Dialogue Key links essential relationships in the creative and entertainment industry worldwide. These are links not only to professional colleagues but also to the resources so necessary to creating the finished product.

Our members use our platform tools to link directly with professional services such as modelling, design, choreography, photography, directing, acting, producing, literary and film editing, martial arts etc. They, and theirassociates — agents, talent managers, producers, and scouts — can also connect with music and movie professionals, modelling and promotion agencies, multimedia studios, technical supply companies, lawyers and legalconsultants, coaches and speakers, financial experts and investors, magazines, craft services, lifestyle suppliers and many more.

Problem 5
Geographical and competitive fragmentation
The modelling industry is highly fragmented both geographically and competitively. Talented people can’t reach top agencies without name recognition and solid ties, while clients often face difficulties finding proper service.

Solution 5
Aggregation and roll up strategy
Dialogue Key aggregates the entertainment business with private entrepreneurs on a single platform. Our roll up strategy is an acquisition of modelling and talent agencies in various most-popular for industry locationsworldwide to provide our best talent with easier entrance to the market and more job opportunities.

Problem 6
Old payment methods, delays and transparency in payments for talents.
The entertainment industry suffers from cash payment and long term transactions. Online payment methods are not implemented properly. Cash transactions are private, but both parties suffer from such threats as fraud, theft,and uncertainty that everyone will fulfill all responsibilities on time. Payments are often very slow.

Solution 6
Advanced payment solutions
Dialogue Key offers secured payments with personal data protection. Everyone is 100% guaranteed that accepted responsibilities will be fulfilled due to the integrated escrow feature. We also offer factoring to speed payment.We are integrating FinTech solutions.

Problem 7
Huge fees
The general business model on the market is based on enormous fees 30-40-50% charged by agencies and middlemen, full control of the model activity and inconsistency of given information.

Solution 7
Minimum fees
10% fees for all transactions between members for hiring talent via the platform.

In the issue:

There are no signposts marking the journey to creative success. The result is that talented people frequently have no choice but to give up on their dream and seek a different career path.

Contributing to this frustration is the cloudiness of the so-called industry insiders, those who promise access to the right connections and financial support so necessary to building and continuing an entertainment career.The mainstream media as well as social media contributes to this, allowing agents, managers, producers, and others to falsely inflate their contacts and capacity to perform necessary services.

For those in other countries, the problem is exacerbated. There is no professional bridge connecting the entertainment industry between countries. This lack of trusted worldwide resources makes pursuit of an offshore career inentertainment a series of missteps wrapped inside expensive and time-consuming trial and error.

Even those who do land a job in the industry are not home free. There is the issue of actually getting paid for work done as agreed. Securing a dependable income stream is elusive. Professionals in the industry float betweenprojects. They must often supplement their entertainment income with side jobs in order to survive.

Many view these problems as just part of paying your dues in this convoluted industry. There was no solution until Dialogue Key.
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05/09/20 9:05 PM

#9303 RE: threewheeler #9021

In case no one it is....