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12/13/06 4:07 PM

#215751 RE: ed53wa #215365

And now a shareholders' meeting. Ring any bells with you 'ed53wa' ? You said you were familiar with Grifco. You may not have been around when their last play was performed.

They called a shareholders' meetin, too. Date was set, time came, then a delay of day or two in meeting, then another delay. Finally met and it was, well folks, basically, we haven't performed as we been tellin
'ya. But we got stuff goin' on on the horizon, so keep your shares, and don't sell out. In so many words, anyway.

Their CEO, Jim Dial, was there but was "disgraced" by this time and didn't say much. Most of the talking was done by the big spud from Lyamec (a company strongly involved in Grifco's big pie-in-the-sky scheme to get into Libya - long story - they all are). Still hasn't panned out to be anything but a lot of people bought in and lost money.

Guess what I'm saying is, again, this all looks very familiar if you were there at Grifco and are now here at Sulja.

This big January meeting should be very interesting. I'm going to watch and see how it plays out compared to Grifco's meeting.

Let's see, did I leave anything out ? Oh, yeah - this is all Just In My Own Humble Opinion. Don't base any of your trading on anything I say.