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04/24/20 12:58 PM

#89109 RE: dms1 #89108

Have a company that went from pennies to over 3 dollars Steve Squires did it.

Have the Governor of Texas ear to at least look at what QDX HealthID can do. Steve Squires has done it. (unless TV news was lying)/

Expand Company operations during the worst pandemic in modern history while your competitor deflates. Steve Squires done it.

At first you don't succeed try try again Steve Squires done it.

Mocking, "If Comet P19 was discovered on a track that would destroy earth, I have no doubt QTMM would announce the cure."

Doesn't change the fact that Squires has been able to get important people of State to look at what he announces now does it?

The State of Assam looking at QDX to be their one saving investment during this pandemic.

The State of Texas beta testing QDX HealthID to get back to work.

Times change, priorities change great to have a CEO who can adapt.


04/24/20 12:59 PM

#89110 RE: dms1 #89108

R&D? What's that? Rubbish and Dumpsters?


04/24/20 1:00 PM

#89111 RE: dms1 #89108

Let's face it, they also pissed away those 10 M pounds of revenue the last couple years on making fancy annual reports.


04/24/20 1:09 PM

#89112 RE: dms1 #89108

This comet is not made of rock and ice like others. It is comprised purely of smoking bullshit.

If Comet P19 was discovered on a track that would destroy earth, I have no doubt QTMM would announce the cure