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10/08/03 6:52 PM

#17589 RE: jjz34 #17588

No one knows what's really going on. You can trust management, or you can take a look at the trend and make the tough choice to get out. The only shares I'm still holding are in a 401K and I'll probably get rid of those soon, I see no reason to keep them. Being involved with this stock has been one of the single worst experiences of my life and I will watch to see if anyone is ever held accountable for what has gone on. In the mean time I wish you all good luck.
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10/08/03 8:40 PM

#17597 RE: jjz34 #17588

Contrary to recent popular belief, I am not a basher of this stock. I, too, just want to know what is going on. One thing I know from experience in this stock for 5 years is that the same thing has been going on from the time I bought my first share. I am now unable to accept pie-in-the-sky statements from past or current management. I know longer want to hear how good the tech is, I now want proof that it is good. I know longer want to hear about funding that will soon be in the 'term' stage, I want to read about a completed funding package. I no longer want to hear how much SIL is going to bring in, I want to read the numbers in a SEC filing. ( That may be hard as money seems to be flowing in to Top Secret Productions where the info is held secret ). In the past the company or their representatives have made many statements that have never come to pass. Did they mis judge the situation, mis lead us intentionally, or out and out try to scam us? I trust nothing this company says to individual investors on the phone or email and, re: the Mercatus fiasco, I no longer believe what I see in print. Remember, our goal is not to produce a semi conductor chip. You thought it was?? Nope. Our goal is to produce a semi conductor chip that works as billed by management, better than any other, so the telco industry will buy it in vast numbers enabling the company to make a profit. If the chip isnt better than the others, we can produce it but we will not achieve our ultimate goal. I have , from experience, come to doubt anything and everything communicated from this company to us shareholders. I see little hope here. If the tech was good there would have been funding a long time ago. The only assets of this company seem to be the revenues from SIL and those seem to be being siphoned away to Top Secret. I continue to post for those occasional newbies that wander in here and wonder how good this stock is. It isnt good. I may have been fooled but why should some other sorry SOB lose his money as well?
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10/08/03 9:03 PM

#17602 RE: jjz34 #17588

jjz34, I've been alluding to this sort of thing for a long, long, time. It's good to see more and more support for the cause. Maybe we'll finally get some answers if enough people are "fed up" and express it.