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04/24/20 12:00 AM

#143454 RE: JG36 #143452

And don’t forget Dengue and MERS....

But the good news is they have a fast track voucher that they can use for their SECOND treatment (doesn’t apply to first) or they can sell to another company. Oh, and I am negotiating for them to also have the exclusive rights to my magic carpet. Both are equally plausible.



04/24/20 10:35 AM

#143455 RE: JG36 #143452

If fact, it has not produced a drug you can use in 10 years time.

More accurately, they haven't produced anything in 15 years time.

And they've been defrauding investors with bullshit claims the entire time, while Diwan has pocketed enough of the $100M donated by investors to have created generational wealth for his family without having produced anything of value.

Yet there are handful who still don't see it for the egregiously obvious scam it has always been.


04/24/20 11:14 AM

#143456 RE: JG36 #143452

Yeah, he hasn't gotten anything done that he says he would in any timely fashion at all. I thought it was in rather poor taste at start of promo call that he said something along the lines of "Here is my boilerplate disclaimer that says I am allowed to lie. I don't like to lie, especially when it comes to science." What a strange man. Not funny at all.

I also thought it interesting that he said they were going to try to publish their preclinical work on coronaviricide. Yes, I continue to be the eternal optimist, believing in the science, and hoping at some point Diwan will come through with something that he says he will do. I expect to be further disappointed, but hopeful as always. Not the best investment strategy so far. I do like the scientific concept and data, and hope to see it progress eventually, after many long delays. Seems like if he gets the IND, gets into trials, and publishes a paper, this could be a decent investment despite all the delays and oddities. Especially if he can get a BP partner, as he said in the video he has had discussions.

Again, it all comes down to can you believe anything Diwan says, and will he come through? Time will tell.


04/28/20 10:07 PM

#143486 RE: JG36 #143452

That video ... amateurs, bordering on comical. I have seen high school video productions with more professionalism.