Too funny, I haven't lost a thing. Nor did I try to claim that gorobot isn't currrently a director, because he most certainly IS listed as a director. That was NOT the debated part of the post.
He just isn't who they say he is. He may be "called" that now. But when all of their out of date technology was invented, he was NOT the Head of any department, or a lead inventor of anything. Nor did he ever own or hold a patent of any kind.
I can also do 10 seconds worth of DD and show you 15 patents that they claim to own. And the last 8-10 months of period end filings flat out state that they have received notice from the USPTO that all patents are cleared for licensing. Yet not a single one of them show an up to date status with Kronos listed as current owner on the patent office website.
Just because they were historically part of the old company, doesn't mean that Kronos still owns and controls any up to date patents ready for licensing. By all REAL evidence, currently they just don't own or control a not even a single patent that is up to date and ready to license their original "Kronos" technology to anyone. Which is why airdog is doing the licensing. I challenge you to show me just one single up to date patent that Kronos owns and controls.
The whole point of the entire post was, up until now, most everything the company has said seems to be misleading in one form or another. And other than a cheesy website that resells someone else's garbage, (most of which appears to get dropshipped from someone else that sells it for less) as ihub eyecandy. And seems to have little to NO real web exposure except here on Ihub to keep the KNOS tire from going flat. All of the REAL evidence indicates that THEY AIN'T GOT SQUAT!! So keep buying, the company now has 1.5 billion more shares to sell.
Furthermore, Here is a screen shot of where they probably get one of their "protective" masks from the website. Notice the picture actually matches the one on the website. Also notice it says "NOT FOR ANTI-VIRUS" just above the price.
So this caring and compassionate company that is committed to making the world a safer place is actually putting the public at further health risk to boost shareholder value. By selling a mask that the manufacturer flat out claims provides ZERO protection against the current global health crisis pandemic that is KILLING almost everything in it's path.
But hey, it looks great on the website and sure seemed to boost the share price on friday when they added it to the website thursday evening. I applaud them for their willingness to potentially KILL healthcare and other front line workers with a false sense of security for company profits, and nice boost in share price for investors. GO KRONOS, cant wait to be a part of that trainwreck.
images presented are for comparative purposes as related to KNOS only. It is not a solicitation or invitation of any kind. I have no affiliation with any of the companies/organizations or websites.