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04/19/20 3:26 PM

#187994 RE: Little G #187969

Truth, I’d like to get your feedback on the buildup to the press conference,


It was slated to be something groundbreaking; worthy of attention; especially in the scientific community. Many media affiliates were notified.

the press conference itself

It provided information but I was looking for more clarity on several fronts...

Where Prodigy actually fits in to this latest technological breakthrough...

If MS and DS are both still in play, to what extent will they be utilised going forward.

Should any potential clients receive samples by at least Q3 2020 and what are the percentage of MS as opposed to DS demand?

Would it be too far fetched, to expect a prototype or proof of concept collaboration before end of year?

Has KBLB already discussed licensing possibilities with certain countries or is the enhanced resistance technology too early in its infancy?

Is KBLB currently negotiating financing terms with any investment bankers, etc.?

Why do I get the feeling that Kim may have skipped past a few key points, as he was attempting to place his documents in order?

CEO Kim Thompson mentioned a few times that he didn't want to "cheerlead" but if not him, then who and if not now, then when?

Maybe he felt he would give away too much at the time by speaking too highly of KBLB/Prodigy at the time...

Who knows at this point?

A guest appearance via videoconference from Kenneth Le probably wouldn't have hurt...

After all, a little enthusiasm can go a long way

It was refreshing to see COO Jon Rice (respect due) addressing a few points and even better seeing the "man behind the technological breakthrough, Dr. Trevor Kane...

Good for him; kudos.

the recent price action

Trading groups, competitors, etc., had ample opportunity to purchase shares since the original announcement of the webcast.

Some knew certain eyes were on KBLB, so why not present manipulation as an attempt to "juxtapose" the perception of KBLB...

The price drop before closing the day before the aforementioned webcast showed me that someone wanted to send a message of some sort...


KBLB is doing BIG LEAGUE things with a rather conservative budget (supplied by KBLB's CEO Kim Thompson)...

Competitors and angel investors tend to pay certain attention to things like this.

what to expect moving forward.

Kim (in a general way) explained what people can expect from the company...

He was particularly short on the "in the meantime and in between time" events...

So we wait.