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04/17/20 12:06 AM

#604978 RE: JOoa0ky #604944

They didn't payback, so their free warrants were exercised. The GSEs had repaid their bailouts, don't see UST is able to exercise the free warrants.


04/17/20 8:01 AM

#604994 RE: JOoa0ky #604944

BofA and JPM are slow to disburse the PPP money also.


04/17/20 8:11 AM

#604996 RE: JOoa0ky #604944

While its true there are no companies are "exactly like" FNMA, except for sister Freddie, isnt that true of ALL companies???

EVERY company needs to "distinguish" themselves. Walmart isnt exacly like Target, Amazon is different than Google, Ford is different from Chevy and Toyota.

So, investment analysts often compare competitors or peers. Just read analyst reports. I have read many of them.

FNMA has some similarities to Chase..both in financial services..
both were bailed out by the government..both are very large..altho fannie is bigger..lots bigger...
Yes, they have differences..huge differences..just like Ford is hugeely different than Tesla.

This is true with every single "A" is not exactly like company "B", even in the same industry. If they were nearly alike, they would all be "sisters" like fannie and freddie.
But even fannie and freddie are are most sisters. Sometimes VERY different.