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Dr Jerry

04/16/20 2:07 PM

#305875 RE: JC$ #305873

Its actually not crazy buy carefully orchestrated by a selective team who planned this since the crash.
The plunge protection unit along with Powell and central bankers plus a team of economist and psychology experts carefully plotted out a response.

They knew the results of the pandemic before it transpired including the death count and supply chain disruptions and the Wave A down.

They were given unlimited funds to bolster the markets at the predetermined times based on AI.
They kept the masses happy with a dole of 2000 per person.

They pumped money in buy buying stocks bonds junk allowing the big banks to sell out at a profit and load up shorts when they give the signal.

Wave C will come and will fill the pockets of the few prepared to reap the rewards WALL STREET BIG BANKS ETC