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10/08/03 2:07 PM

#46 RE: OldAIMGuy #45

Once I get under 1000 shares I have trouble keeping the 10% sell quantity, because it doesn't feel right to trade less than 100 shares. I used to increase my BUYS to 200 shares to help boost the quantity and overcome that but I haven't done that with GNSS and I only have 700 shares right now. So I keep my sell quantity at 100 shares and just have to wait longer for a sell.

I probably will drop the SELL SAFE to 0% in a week or so if the stock doesn't resume its climb. When it seemed it was moving fast, and there was a possibility of a second sell quickly I wanted to go for the higher profit. But if it continues to consolidate here, I will drop the percentage back to 0% again to try to replenish the cash. :)

Too bad about ADCT, indeed. I still have plenty of stocks under water, or which might never recover, but at least most are moving well so on balance good progress is being made. And some of those still neglected might perk up as the bull expands its sights.
