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04/14/20 2:48 PM

#63699 RE: stervc #63696

Note holders impressed with it?
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04/14/20 2:48 PM

#63700 RE: stervc #63696

Nice post! I'm not sure how many actually understand what this means...

"The provisional patent application involves the targeted removal of disease-specific antigens via an extracorporeal process. These antigens have been identified in the medical literature to be the pathophysiologic basis for the overwhelming production of lung edema and mucus in Covid-19 patients, which can kill the patient by greatly decreasing their respiratory oxygenation. By targeting these inflammatory cytokines with a complexing agent and causing them to bind together, the resulting molecular compound can then be removed in a brief clinical process

This news will spread far & wide. Hold for dimes. BIEI
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04/14/20 2:51 PM

#63704 RE: stervc #63696

Thanks sterling very impressive DD and all makes sense. Once the renegade seller(s) are out we will move more appropriately with what this technology deserves in the face of this onslaught of COVID-19. Imagine how the CDC will look at this for the treatment of this epidemic. It's unique and patented so we can expect a very hearty upside coming very soon. With Dr. Felder having respect among his peers and in his field there is nothing to negate BIEI after the seller has been exposed and left. Thanks.
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04/14/20 2:59 PM

#63709 RE: stervc #63696

Thanks stervc.. "HUGE NEWS".. Indeed!.. :)
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04/14/20 10:45 PM

#63775 RE: stervc #63696

Great post as always stervc, my thoughts on today's PR are as follows, all IMO.

4/14/20 BIEI PR:

Filing a second provisional patent application, as per the 4/14 PR:

1. Costs time and money and IMO I do not think BIEI would spend these resources unless they have something of value to help treat this disease

2. Indicates that BIEI may have something of value to potentially help treat the disease that needs protection from copyright infringement which as you indicate could be of value to shareholders and other stakeholders

3. Will be reviewed and scrutinized by the federal government which I think adds objective legitimacy to BIEI's efforts in addition to the previous 18 patents issued that you have indicated; IMO this may possibly also help alleviate covid suspension jitters

4. Could be a heads up to the first part of the story that may unveil significant developments as you allude to that BIEI determined the need to communicate in a PR to the market and its shareholders at this time

IF the intentions of BIEI are genuine towards the disease and its shareholders, we may be witnessing the start of a timely and powerful turnaround story that we do not often see in the OTC. Time will tell if BIEI will leave its old habits and truthfully add real value for its shareholders.
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04/15/20 8:05 PM

#63943 RE: stervc #63696

All others within the US (and globally) will have to do licensing and distribution agreements with BIEI to be able to use this technology as this includes "Big Pharma" too.

Extract above from post by Stervc - see link below:

Stervc, the point above that you included in your post is very insightful and powerful to explain how the Provisional Patent Applications can potentially bring BIEI revenues and value if the market, and potentially Big Pharma, determines that the technology is needed for the disease during these challenging times.

The implications of your insights for an OTC ticker like BIEI could be enormous if MGMT executes correctly.

I encourage everyone to re-read your very insightful post. Thanks for preparing this post.

For reference, here is an informative interview with Bill Gates on 4/12 where he explains the global challenge/grevity in finding an "urgent tool" that is a vaccine (treatment) for the disease:

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Condors rugby

04/21/20 9:55 AM

#64373 RE: stervc #63696

Like your posts here. Have not heard from you in a week. What are your thoughts on this current action. Not looking great. No news is killing it