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Ed Monton

12/12/06 6:59 PM

#17337 RE: McBeanburger #17336

Thanks for the link.


12/12/06 9:07 PM

#17338 RE: McBeanburger #17336


News ???
or maybe comedey central's The Daily Show :O)

I would think one huge problem being away so long is that you are out of touch maybe ?.. Like Ignatief ? Reading is nice but as Corey Hart sings... It ain't enough.. Come back and spend some time here ... then you can believe your eyes... Y

From one post you know my views ? Geez Frank and I disagree a lot on politics and health care.. for two things...

One of the nice things about living in different culture is you are able to see how the local governments So if you mean to say we cannot see it in our own country, I can't buy that at all.

How is Europe dealing with Muslims.. Hmm.. my daughter in high school has a ton of classmates with headscarves... in fact two sisters she skates with have head scarves.. Isn't there a little problem with that ideal in France ?

McBean... sounds like you have a case of the Parisian accent is so beautiful and superior ... if you get my drift..

by Zionist organisations. Don't read em. Doesn't matter what anyone believes... a supporting position can always be found on the net. Debka had the Chinese massing on the Afghan border to attack the US... Stratfor seems clueless on China. and Canadian politics..

One interesting fact that I didn’t know is that there is one Zionist organisation that has strong influence/input on the Canadian education system. But I think I digress. Naw I'd VERY MUCH like to hear that tidbit...

I'll give Angry Arab a boo... and maybe I'll find out why all the Arab nations have turned their backs on the Palestinians , leaving them segregated to fester and foment violence in their refugee camps for a generation ? Do you suggest that it is the whole truth and nothing but the truth.. ? I hope you are not like my buddy RichNorth over on SI that is attributing this all to the freemasons and their plan to take over the world ?

Anyway now I digress and I mentioned to amarks one reason I was not posting here was that I didn't want to pollute the thread with a bunch of political stuff... which is most of what I've been writing ovwer on SI... .. Here, read this... it is a better peek into part of my mind.. At least you'll have a modicum of research done on me :o) ...

The politics at the end of the day in the Mid East is all about realpolitik and oil... been that way since WWI.

What has the IRA treatment by the Brits got to do with us ? (from allowing dissent to having public meetings without approval) necessary to capture Al Quada suspects. Being as cosmopolitain as you infer, surely you do not believe racism and prejudice are the sole domain of the west ?

Anyway drop me a link on those Zionists with the strong influence on Canadian education system.. Hey I've got school age kids and I question everything they learn... might be interesting..

Canadian politics and how we think about the world..
Most of those very anti Bush have not been posting for a while though..


Hmm A Quick scan produces this
The persistence of colonial foreign policy. Nothing epitomized the persistence of colonial foreign policy than a news item that was reported today uncritically and casually in all Lebanese media. You see, yesterday, Amin Gemayyel (the leader of the Lebanese fascist Phalanges Party) received two European delegations (back to back) that expressed sympathy for the Gemayyel family, and expressed support for the ruling coalition in the government. The first delegation was from the French National Front, and the second was from the Socialist International. It shows you that when it comes to foreign policy, it does not matter whether it is Right or Left. And I did not read one article in the Lebanese press saying a word about the National Front. Wait: this is Lebanon, where some has nostalgia for colonial rule.
That statement shows a closed mind... kinda leaps out at you . Would be worthwhile to bone up on the dynamics of the government setup in Lebannon and why ...

Lest I misjudge though.. These are good ones...
<iArab leaders brag about their sons (not their daughters) if they can use a computer. They think that it is a sign of their genius. I can use a blender, but my parents don't brag about me. How sad.


After leaving office, I really think that George W. Bush should become a professor of Middle Eastern studies. Don't you think? I mean, he now knows that there are Sunnis and Shi`ites in Iraq. That should qualify.

I'll definitely read on... thanks..