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04/10/20 10:13 PM

#63765 RE: SaltyMutt #63763

Salty, the media and Democraps have never been more shameful. I am glad to see the polls show Trump gaining support.

January 15th and Pelosi and Schiff were doing the death March across the Senate floor with the fake impeachment papers. And they distracted the whole political system until February 6th. Trump needs to harp on this at every press conference when a shameful reporter tries to blame him for what he and he alone is trying to help the situation.

The WHO, Dr. Farce ie's buddies did not call it a pandemic until March 11th, and in January both were telling American's not to worry.

Trump ban flights from China in January and Democrats called him a racist, and did not even know that China is not a race, the race is Asian. One can not make up than kind of stupidity. Is Minnesota a race?