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04/08/20 3:33 PM

#231 RE: Tiger Money #230

Plus the 2 other new areas (anti-Covid-19 sanitizing and player safety) mentioned in the Friday after hours press release. Plus CEO said there are "literally dozens of top tier sales prospects in the pipeline for our breakthrough altitude chambers".. and "we have put in place a four division alignment for our Company that we will be detailing in the coming weeks." Meaning there are more announcements coming (details on agreement w/sanitizing company, and "player safety" division to name a few):

"While we have literally dozens of top tier sales prospects in the pipeline for our breakthrough altitude chambers, along with promising new opportunities in player management, safety, and wellness, we are also focused on the health and well-being of our country," said ALTD CEO and Chairman Bob Kanuth. "I am pleased to report that we are in high-level discussions with two cutting-edge disinfection companies that, if successful, could put ALTD on the front lines of the war against Covid-19 and help keep America safe from similar attacks in the future. To accommodate our pending expansion into several new markets, we have put in place a four division alignment for our Company that we will be detailing in the coming weeks."