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12/12/06 2:14 PM

#263753 RE: johnnywad #263746

Apparently you didn't read my post to well....

You see, it's people like you that come here having nothing but "glowing" remarks that are the reason scams are able to continue so well. I did not oppose your post, I mearly pointed out that the "pr" you are waiting for to "signal the fat lady has sung" would never come, if indeed the fat lady had sung. PR's cost money to put out, and a company already millions in debt would not likely have a source for those funds. You can have your "only an upside" opinion, thats fine, cuase you'll bring in more bag holders that I can sell my shares to and be rid of this thing, but don't tell me I'm bashing a downed stock, I'm mearly stating a fact. By the way, how much DD have you done? Are you aware of how long people have claimed "Theres only up to go" ? Just wondering.... After all, when the bid/ask was .0001/.0002 everyone said there was nowhere but up to go, which drew even more people in.... and look where we are. But hey, with an ask of .0001 and no bid, or only a .00001 bid, hey, theres only up to go.