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04/06/20 3:45 PM

#70710 RE: littlefish #70696

In summing up what i've gleaned thus far by reading clinical reports from physicians around the world and from med journals,

--hydroxychloroquine therapy by itself alone is NOT sufficient to achieve significant beneficial results;

--HCQ will work much better when combined with zinc;

--Zinc can also be rendered more effective as an antiviral at an intracellular level without even using HCQ by ingesting QUERCETIN, which is an ionosphore (like HCQ);

--Beware using HCQ with diabetic patients on the medication METFORMIN;

--If HCQ and zinc are given to patients along with an antibiotic, it's far better to use the more benign antibiotic DOXYCYCLIN than AZITHROMYCIN, for the latter can cause heart troubles


05/05/20 1:04 PM

#71906 RE: littlefish #70696

Fauci knew of efficacy of HCQ in 2005. Boy, this seems pretty damning -- there was an article from NIH publication:

Gotta start to wonder about conflicts of interest, both political and financial. Would like to hear opposing views. Technically, there is one error in this linked article I can spot as I believe Fauci is director of NIAID, which is one of 27 Institutes of the NIH. Francis Collins is director of NIH. But still, the point of the article remains quite valid.