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04/05/20 9:54 AM

#30475 RE: rodman #30474

The Chinese Wuhan Virus has affected us all. The US will have some big changes when we come out the other side, and we WILL come out. However it is mistaken to believe that people who expose the data and facts regarding VSPC are haters??? I for one am not, I am however a believer that companies and their leadership must be held accountable for lying to their shareholders. As a company owner and Leader, I respect those who invest in my company and am very diligent to convey information as truthful as possible. Do we miss bullseyes on some targets, yes we miss them, but we are still on the target!

VSPC is a company that scammed a lot of people, was it intentional or just really bad leadership? Who knows, but we do know that VSPC has MISSED every commercial and technical target they have ever publicly discussed. Is that hating or is it just factual?

VSPC is run by folks who have no business acumen. Is that hating, no just the facts. There are LOTS of very smart people, but it takes more than just smarts to guide a small business through all the barriers that are out there. Sometimes it is luck, but most of the time it is just ugly blood, sweat, and tears! It is about 24/7 worrying about all kinds of little details. It is the details that count.

It is easy to roll out grand plans, but the specific tactics and strategies are what make it work. VSPC rolled out MANY GRAND PLANS, but they did not understand the necessary detail to execute the plans, and of course the plans were not very well thought out. That is a Leadership issue.

Do I hate VSCP, no. Do I think they are Goof Balls, Yes. Do I think they will ever succeed, NO.

Leopards never lose their spots, history predicts future. VSPC has terrible plans and really bad leadership.

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Big Casino 1518

04/05/20 6:18 PM

#30478 RE: rodman #30474

You're out of the loop!

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Invest ONE 1

04/06/20 4:52 PM

#30482 RE: rodman #30474

My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone who has been affected by this pandemic. It's been detrimental to the world and I hope things get better soon. I don't believe any of us are deceitful with regards to the virus or investing. I'm not sure why you would compare the two. We're just venting our thoughts about Viaspace. Some of us feel like we've been scammed and we are justifiably criticizing the company and it's management. We're stockholders and we're upset! It has nothing to do with the pandemic and the suffering that's at hand. Why would you point fingers about us thinking about our selves? Why do you bring up judgement day at a time when the everyone is trying to help each other?
Well, I hope everyone is safe and well. Yes, you too Mr Watch it grow. We're stockholders, we need you're cheer leading even though we get on your case sometimes.
Stay safe Mr Loop!