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04/03/20 7:46 AM

#302951 RE: fitzwell11 #302934

I'm just wondering why, if it is working so well, we are still seeing so many deaths? Chloroquine has been in somewhat widespread use across the country now for a week probably. Or maybe it's not as widely used as I thought?


04/03/20 10:37 PM

#303170 RE: fitzwell11 #302934

fitzwell, can you please elaborate a bit about what you know about the Vit C

i.e. dosage per take, per day, for how long, and what results you may have heard
You did say intravenous. But why? It's not doing anything orally?

Then how about Vit D (together with C or alone etc)
(I know you did not mentioned Vit D)

I’m seeing a lot of success with chloroquine alone to your point. Or even intravenous Vit C.
