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04/02/20 11:21 PM

#120313 RE: livendi #120312


I haven't heard any response from IR regarding my email. I didn't really expect one but, still hoped that they would be able to decipher the dire straits which we as shareholders find ourselves. I still have a number of shares, at this point I've resigned myself to go down with the ship. "Wagganered" that's what has happened to us! What a POS!


04/03/20 8:07 AM

#120318 RE: livendi #120312

sooner or later u need results and I mean ind for pc submitted and nothing else

On the Nasdaq such events are greeted with a yawn. Results have a different meaning. As in one where the interim or top line results for a CT are presented. A Phase 1 top line result, unless right on the tip of the bleeding edge (e.g. immunological treatment) is greeted with half a yawn. Excitement only starts to build when top line Phase 2 comes in. Phase 3 results get the needle moving.

Of course Kenny is peddling the FDA will allow PMCB to jump right into a Phase 2b, based on the faulty Lohr studies. The FDA would have to be brain dead to approve. And they aren't.

So what does filing an IND mean? Is Kenny committed to telling SHs the day it goes in, so they can count off 30 days? Does one think he will tell SHs it has been rejected by the FDA? Technically it can end up being on permanent hold, until a Phase 1,2a is completed. Given his history, will he promptly provide this info to SHs? Then there's the $$$ problem. CTs cost $Ms. Hospitals don't Bill, and then wait for yrs to get paid, while incurring more expense. That $142K isn't going to cut it. The only thing in PMCB's favor, is that it's likely the first enrolled patient, won't show up for close to a year. For a Phase 1 CT. Still more than $142K will be required.

The meaning of results???