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04/02/20 11:50 AM

#120254 RE: rcstock #120253

Only if you want to fund Uncle Kenny's retirement fund. Lots of real companies out there to invest in. 3 weeks ago, record economy and PMCB was still hanging around .04. Company is a scam.


04/02/20 11:55 AM

#120255 RE: rcstock #120253

RC....there is no other start up with this kind of technology that addresses an unmet need...big pharmas are hungry for this and want to be able to own the only cure for a particular disease...and this is headed for a clinical trial...if all goes well...buyout is imminent...look at the other recent buyouts with treatments for ailments...nothing comes close to being as unique as cell in box...and with more testing it could treat diabetes as well...I got plenty of time to wait for the IND to be filed....and I got plenty of shares to make some good money...


04/02/20 11:58 AM

#120256 RE: rcstock #120253

so you guarantee pmcb will make people money?