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03/31/20 4:15 PM

#65586 RE: chokum #65581

No reverse split in 2018. They had the reverse merger in 2018.

The reverse Split in 2019 was part of the reverse merger and the name change to get it at trading levels.

No one could have predicted that Fruci would take so long to do the fins.

Technically they already had Fruci on board because they did the audited fins for the previous 2 years financials. They dropped Marcum the day the Fins were due but Fruci should have been working on them already.

Noteholders took advantage of the late financials situation and converted their notes and diluted the crap out of the stock until it was cellar-boxed. The only realistic way out of the cellar-box is to R/S.

Now they have PR'd they are getting rid of and renegotiating their convertible debt, cutting costs and have applied to uplist to OTCQB and essentially have a $4,000,000 equity line to used by selling put options to the investor according to the company's timeframe at market value over the course of 2 years.

They can get a max of $100,000 or 3X the previous 10 days trading volume in dollars at a time whichever is lower. Further the equity investor can never own more than 9.99% of the OS and the company has to remain listed on OTCQB. So it is in the best interest of the company and the shareholders for the price to go up at this point.

Anyway enough of my ramblings, this stock is a risk as are all on the OTC. Do your own DD and invest, buy, hold or sell of your own recognizance.