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03/27/20 6:52 AM

#33785 RE: astradaeric399 #33784

I see you just joined the group the other day.....Welcome. I doubt Raj/Joe&Co. would speak to any of the investors unless the investor had a pot full of money and they stood a good chance of, well, folks get the idea. But then again Faith is said to move mountains----Have a good week-end

If any of you are are suffering through this Corona stuff-----God Bless and take care

Foxwoods Man

03/27/20 8:23 AM

#33786 RE: astradaeric399 #33784

I love this part:

For over 15 years, since our inception in 2005, the Native American Energy Group has lived by our core values of always placing the interests of our shareholders above everything else.

Really? I have been here since before that when it was NVMG so I barfed at the above statement...

There is no company, the shares are delisted and worthless and decent people lost money investing in their scams.

I guess there will not be a problem with social distancing at the "shareholders" meeting since the room, most definitely, will be empty

VH Gambler

03/27/20 11:36 AM

#33788 RE: astradaeric399 #33784

LOL I'm still having catching my breath from laughing.
Another long time stock "bag" holder here, there ain't no company, no stock, no stock holders. Nothing left but this board.
Maybe one day we'll all meet at Foxwoods and have a drink or two for days gone by.
Keep safe and stay healthy.