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03/26/20 11:42 AM

#5817 RE: renmin2 #5816

Very nice buy some nike


03/26/20 6:24 PM

#5819 RE: renmin2 #5816

Didn't they just recently lose the Maine contract or did I misread that somewhere? I can't actually find the article, but there's a PR from HELIX saying they won it and all of the Maine sites say it's Metrc. I just feel like there's some internal issues that need to be looked at here. I do agree that state contracts are harder to lose than ROs... but nothing is guaranteed but death and taxes. How do we know they aren't already losing them, or even abandoning them. Maybe they don't even want to do the state contracts, where is their plan of action? Just looking for something to make me feel better. I'd be ecstatic if it hits .70... but I'm in agreement that with the low volume it may hit .07 soon. I'll be honest, if it does and they let us know more about what's coming... I'd buy a bunch at .07... but where it's at. I'll agree with .07 and hope I'm wrong.


03/26/20 9:36 PM

#5822 RE: renmin2 #5816

Helix Time

I just got my computer back today as this time-stamp explains:

I have 20,000 shares here now at an average cost of .47. I did buy 10,000 more at .12. I sold all my insured Macy's stock, and I bought more NROM, another 100 shares of Wells Fargo, another 100 shares of Bank of America, a 100 shares of Kroger (new position), and another 1,000 shares in GE. I've been bought out in PEGI, which was a lucky break as everything has been beaten to a pulp. Except for Fineqia, which has no where to fall and is a beacon of light in this dark world. And, ahem, 2 scam stocks currently under manipulation.

I still think the cannabis industry will be one of the only working engines in the Depression we are entering. And the Recession which is officially here. This stimulus is only a fix for 2 months. I lost my second industry 100% -- cancellation across the board all through April and end of March, 100% up in smoke. And I'm trying to get a hold of the unemployment office for contractor benefits. But nobody will answer the phone. They overwhelmed. We have stimulus and can't get to it. Thanks for nothing!.

And my 1st industry job has had massive layoffs, and I'm lucky I wasn't targeted. I"m working from home now. Lots have things have changed. And I still can cover my bills on one job because I'm a minimalist. And my 401k match was taken away, salaries were cut, and I'm in a recession proof business. That's how bad CV19 is.

So, being that the world is fallign apart, I don't care about HLIX's fall anymore. They are at almsot a p/s of 1 now. There are some things I'm not happy about like Vincente Fox mia, but I have no ill will to any insiders that made money.

And, guys, Watsup, can y'all just behave? It's really not nice to insult someone like the President of the United States. Remember when he mocked retarded people? He wasn't insulting his target. He was insulting all handicapped people. Attack people on the merit of the complaint. Don't be like Helix and appeal a case based on nonsense. Address the substance.

I don't care if a woman has a boob job or if you had a face lift. And I can't tell what's real or not. And I don't care. I was losing my hair in high school and I was very conscious about it. But people like me that lose their hair so fast are high in testosterone. Which means much higher sex drive, thank you very much. There are pros and cons to everything. Just knock off the disrespectful stuff, please.

I look forward to the conference call on Monday. I'm glad to hear there will be "live questins." I hope there is participation. I'm real busy with things and probably -- well, maybe I will attend. We'll see.

I've been taking a beating in the market, and I don't care. I'm taking advantage where I can. My taxes are being done, and I hope the savings I put away for it will have a good amount left over for more fire power. Point being, there are some good things out there. Like banks. If they fail, we go back to the dark ages so none of it mattered anyway. They are too big to fail. Grocery is good. Oh, Blackberry. I bought another 1,000 shares there too at $3.00. That's security. The world needs security. Nohing is safe right now.

HLIX is not alone in its thrashing, and this industry is still getting thrashed. But, people are hoarding marijuana. I think it's going to do good. Even if we do go back to the dark ages. This may end Prohibition 2 faster, and HLIX is an important place in this industry I think.

I hate the dilution, the toxic financing, and some other things. But I do like this price. 7 cents is even better. That's okay. I can roll with the punches. I think HLIX is here to stay in some diluted form or another. I hope they can consolidate and I'm ready to see how the next chapter. Let's have fun and roll with the punches.