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Ole Broke Azz

04/20/20 5:50 PM

#60 RE: Ole Broke Azz #4


foward all illegal email spam to

Nanice Rosado <>
Wed 3/25/2020 7:44 AM
In all my years of investing, I have seen plenty of crazy stuff. But this almost seemed too good to be true. This was until I gave otc : SEGN a closer look. I know it sounds like a bunch of hype, but ?? SEGN is about to break from its years of obscurity. Not to mention, its fundamentals are killer! So, you need to find some [SEGN], because I believe it could be moving into a powerful growth trend. I’m sending this e-mail out to some people who I think might be interested in a hot new investment. I’ve been playing the penny stock market for quite some time, and I’ve been able to grow my net worth considerably since then. So, I got excited when I took a look at SEGN, which has gotten more appealing as I continue to watch it. If you’ve been looking for a way to break into the stock market, you need to get in now because this growth trend could be huge.
SEGN?? is an extremely successful, emerging company in the industry of video streaming. Apart from its revenue from video streaming and education content, the company is also focused on expanding itself with the help of businesses related to the technological sector. [SEGN] is primarily interested in cooperating, investing or allying with businesses that offer big information or artificial intelligence related products. Progressing with its vision of growth and interest in the technological sector, the company has proven itself by several developments in the appropriate direction. Some of the recent mergers and related activities of SEGN?? are discussed below.