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03/22/20 11:15 PM

#29131 RE: Matteo2017 #29130

100% correct

400 / 1 RS is just plain bullshit


03/23/20 10:15 AM

#29137 RE: Matteo2017 #29130

You confirmed my message about speculation. You want to be a millionaire overnight. There is no math to take you there fast.

INCOME is needed to get traction on this stock. It appears that income is in the distant future. Josh may get money to finish the financials, but it does not yet appear evident that there will be a working product that someone might pay for. Therefore, Josh will again be asking for money to "get things going" which will buy a server, domain expenses (or whatever), put some money in Josh's pocket (he deserves money for work he does) and just running the company. Keep your wallet handy.

And, I agree that Josh should get paid for useful work. Of course, he may be the seller of shares we see traded. He's probably getting money in some method like that. Perhaps the delay of the financials is to not expose what is happening. Although it is realistic for him to raise money to get paid so he can live. I'm not judging, just pointing it out.
I guess we won't see much of his fine dining with restaurants closed now, though:)