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03/22/20 9:31 PM

#69932 RE: southacresdave #69931

You sound like you’re the one fighting it. The Fed is pumping trillions into the system, the only thing bears have on their side is panic. That will not last forever. They will “flatten the curve” for a few weeks, then it will be business as usual. Same will happen with Italy. Flattening the curve has nothing to do with lowering the chances of whether you get the virus or not, it just gives the hospitals capacity to treat you. The majority of people will probably get the virus over the next 12 months. 99% will live. Life will go on, but for some it won’t.


03/23/20 12:01 PM

#69968 RE: southacresdave #69931

southy, AYSI buys intellectual Arcoplate Tech from Kostecki family for $17.8 AUD (around $9.8 mil USD).

Weird time to buy when cash is king, but any thoughts on the valuation and the deal?